Le Club du Poisson Lune: Carla Adra, Maurane-Amel Arbouz, Angélique Aubrit et Ludovic Beillard, Aurilian, Flo*Souad Benaddi, Maxime Bichon, Camille Benbournane, Deborah Bowmann, Camille Brée, Hugo Brillet, Elize Charcosset, Kevin Desbouis, Lyse Fournier, Esther Gatón, Kinke Kooi, James Lewis, Thiên-Ngoc Ngô-Rioufol, Samuel Nicolle, Claudia Pagès, Gina Pane, Emma Rssx, Segondurante, Haim Steinbach, Nikhil Vettukatil, CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art, Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France,
April 11, 2021–March 26, 2022
In 1967, at 94 rue Camille Sauvageau in Bordeaux, the “Poisson-Lune” opened. This small cabaret, where poetry readings, plays and exhibitions were on offer, was created on the initiative of a group of artist and poet friends led by Jean-Louis Froment, who would, in 1973, launch the Capc. To this day, no known records remain on this experimental venue, save for a few words on the Internet bearing witness to the brevity of the undertaking and the intensity of the energy deployed.
More than 50 years later, The Moonfish Club re-imagines the place. Here, fiction and poetry prevail over historical accuracy. Letting the “Moonfish” into the Capc is like falling into a time slip – like forcing a chicken to gobble up its egg.
To create this club, Deborah Bowmann, a duo of artists hailing from Bordeaux and recently installed in Brussels, was invited to design the scenography into four contiguous spaces – the Antechamber, the Lounge, the Smoking Room and the Stage. The sets serve as a backdrop for the work of 24 invited artists, and doubles as a reading, listening and conversation space for the members of the club – that is, for anyone who may enter.
Curator: Cédric Fauq
Exhibition catalog

Installation views of Le Club Poisson du Lune, on view at CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art, Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, on view April 11 2021–March 26, 2022. Photos: Arthur Péquin.