
Kinke Kooi
Exhibitions, CV, Press

Kinke Kooi: The Male Part of the Flower
Adams and Ollman, Portland, OR
April 6–May 18, 2024

I have done it again.  
One year in every ten  
I manage it——

February 25–April 1, 2023

Katherine Bradford
Charles Burchfield
Mariel Capanna
James Castle
Vaginal Davis
William Edmondson
Joy Feasley
Michael Frimkess and Magdalena Suarez Frimkess
Jessica Jackson Hutchins
Frank Jones
Kinke Kooi
Jennifer Levonian
Rob Lyon
Dino Matt
Ryan McLaughlin
Marlon Mullen
Joan Nelson
Todd Norsten

Conny Purtill
Paul Swenbeck
Bill Traylor
Stefanie Victor
Bill Walton
Joseph Yoakum

Le Club du Poisson Lune: Carla Adra, Maurane-Amel Arbouz, Angélique Aubrit et Ludovic Beillard, Aurilian, Flo*Souad Benaddi, Maxime Bichon, Camille Benbournane, Deborah Bowmann, Camille Brée, Hugo Brillet, Elize Charcosset, Kevin Desbouis, Lyse Fournier, Esther Gatón, Kinke Kooi, James Lewis, Thiên-Ngoc Ngô-Rioufol, Samuel Nicolle, Claudia Pagès, Gina Pane, Emma Rssx, Segondurante, Haim Steinbach, Nikhil Vettukatil
CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art, Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
April 11, 2021–March 26, 2022

The Living House: Patricia L. Boyd, Mahalia Heydemann, Kinke Kooi, Piotr Łakomy, Claudia Pagès, Gyan Panchal, Jesse Stecklow
Kunstverein Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
December 11, 2021–February 20, 2022

Ways of Seeing: Three Takes on the Jack Shear Drawing Collection
The Drawing Center, New York, NY
October 2, 2021–February 20, 2022

The Grotesque of Raising
Adams and Ollman, Portland, OR
August 7–September 4, 2021